Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The J has been derailed

The individual who runs this blog has received a cease and desist notice from mayor Gavin Newsom to halt all future postings, or else face legal action. The My Day on the J legal team has been working around the clock to restore this national treasure.

The My Day on the J Team will keep you posted...


SkunkHunt said...

is this real? Let the J people go!

Anonymous said...

OMG I hope you can blog about the J again soon. I wait with bated breath for update! Gavin Newsom! Let The J Blogger GO!

Anonymous said...

What the hell is wrong with blogging about the J train? I don't even get it. Last time I checked, we had free speech in this country, and the J still sucked. Keep fighting!

Busboy said...

I don't think Gavin sent you any notices, Matias. I think you decided to bail. Lastima. Our loss.